You are what you do
Action, learning, dignity,
moods and emotions, coordination with others
are developed within and live inside the body.
Often without conscious choice, automatically, according to one’s specific way, which was embodied during many years of one’s life.
It is our way of doing and reacting. Practiced for years, it has become dominant and unconscious, similar to car driving or using a smartphone. It is very difficult to change with the mind only.
The effective change you dream about is possible through the body and systematic practices. New ways of doing are available even under stress and under pressure.
You are what you do
Human being is neither a random interaction of the body, spirit, mind and emotions nor a brain in the body fighting against ‘an alien’ inside ,meaning emotions.
The human brain is like a computer processor: it is very important, but it shouldn’t take over the power over all aspects of one’s life. Discovering the subtle balance between body, emotions, mind and spirit will bring you closer to good health, sustainability and effective action.
Our influence on our life and lives of others depends on decisions we make.
Decisions we make in turn depend of information we receive and on what is important to us.
External information is usually abundant, or even excessive. We need to filter it consciously and constantly. A lot of information is internal.
The human organism, owing to hundreds of thousands years of evolution, filters internal information itself and provides to the conscious mind only those pieces, which are important for potential decision making. For example we begin to feel a sensation in our intestines when something wrong has happened.
In a similar way sadness, anger or joy prepare the human body to act in certain way. These actions can be changed consciously only if these emotions are felt, recognized and understood.